Life had been cruel towards her.
"If only I could see for a moment, to see the colors of this world, to see my family's faces, to see the mountains, the sea, the birds… Whatever I have only heard until now, I wish I could see it too.... "
People say that sight is the faith. But for her this was not entirely true. She had lost her eyesight at the age of 5 years old. The memories of those that she had seen had faded so much, that she would hardly recognize even herself anymore.
She could currently "see" using her other senses. Walking in the streets of her city was a piece of cake. She could smell the rain before it dropped, but she could not watch it fall. She could feel the sun on her face, but she could not see it rise or set.
She often hated herself, she hated what she was. People around her were saying that she was so beautiful and that all her skills surpassed the skills of normal people! She played the piano so nice and her voice was angelic. She was smart, funny, loved by everyone. However, she would give everything for just one pair of eyes. She also hated sometimes the other people who could enjoy a gift that they often take for granted. For her, it was her deepest desire.
"I want to see the world like everyone else; to see the sun, the rain, the music. I would bet music looks beautiful..."
And her tears wet her pillow...
But life was also fair with her. In return, she found very soon a hand to wipe away these tears from her eyes and hold tenderly her hand, helping her around. She found a smile that could make her smile too, two lips that touched her own. And two eyes that...
The young man that her fate had given her, loved her more than his life.
"This is so unfair! If you knew how much I would like to see your eyes, their color, to see your face even for a little... Only with my hands, I can "see" that you are so beautiful... "
"Don't be sad, sweetie, it's enough if I can see your face; if only you knew how beautiful you are! And don't worry about my eyes, nor is their color important: you know that they belong to you." And he closed her lips with a kiss, before she could disagree.
"I will be your eyes forever. You will see through me", he whispered.
"Yes, but you know, they may find soon a graft, it is possible that I will see again! Oh God, I'm so happy! "
He was quiet for a little. It was like he was thinking about something important. "I... wanted to ask you a favor."
"What favor?"
"Would you like to marry me, when you see again?"
She laughed. Except from sudden, she found it funny. "Let's first find a graft and then we'll think about it..."
"And if they found one and all went well, would you then accept to be my wife?"
"Well... if I can see the world again, then yes, we'll get married."
He was so happy. "You'll definitely see the world again, trust me". He closed his eyes, lost in his thoughts.
Shortly afterwards, they announced her the pleasant news: a graft had indeed been found and the surgery had already been set up in a few days.
"Oh my God, I can't believe it, I will see again, for real?" she said to him tearful, a few hours before the big event, in the hospital's room.
"Of course you'll see again! Why are you crying? Are you afraid?"
"No, I'm fine." Silence fell for some moments." Ehm, to be honest, I haven't been more scared in my entire life!"
"Don't. Everything will turn out fine, trust me."
"Well, I can hear you are nervous too. You know that you can't escape from my other senses! Is something wrong?"
"I am just nervous about you. Don't care about me, just focus on tomorrow's surgery. And please, don't forget the favor I asked you, when you see again."
"I'll think about this too!"
"Always remember this: I will be your eyes forever. You'll see through me." He kissed her eyes and looked at her for a little, before leaving the room. "I love you."
The surgery was an absolute success. A little later, she could see the first blurry figures. They gradually became shapes, persons, objects. She saw her parents, her siblings, her friends. She saw again, after years, the sun and the rain drops. She remained starry-eyed when she stood in front of a mirror. Oh yes, her eyes were amazing, she was indeed beautiful. She felt on top of the world, everything seemed so wonderful!
But something had changed. Like, together with the darkness, she had also wiped out her previous life. She could see now, right? Why not going on with her life and seeing new things, why not leaving her past behind? Her thoughts were running, the one after the other, the one more bitter than the other. The advices given from her family and friends were enforcing these thoughts.
I did want to see him. But now I want to see other people, to know the world better. Leave the rest and the romance for later...
Let alone that he didn't come to see me all these days. Damn him and his lies. He loved me only when I was blind? This was a pity, not a real interest.
How could I believe him? He left me alone in my most important moment.
Of course I will continue my life without him.
Deep inside her, she knew that these thoughts were stupid and wrong. But a final talk with her friends persuaded her to do it. (Sometimes though, she was thinking that her friends might just be envious of her good luck: obviously, they could see and be jealous of the handsome man who chose her and not them.)
Finally, she decided to call him and tell him about her decision.
"Sweetheart, how are you? Is everything fine?" he answered immediately.
His cell phone was in his hand?! And he sounds... strange. He sounds happy, but he is like...
What does he want after all? Firstly he leaves me alone and now he is happy, but suffering? OK, he does deserve to be dumped now.
I have to calm down, the pressure on my eyes will increase! I will end up this story right now.
"I'm fine, I can finally see my parents and the sun. But I wanted to tell you something."
"You thought about my proposal? So, you are really fine!"
She bit her lips: she had completely forgotten it!
Damn, he makes it more difficult! I will cut this out right now, I don't want to give him any hopes.
"No, on the contrary, I want us to stop seeing each other - I think this word fits now! -, to break up with you. We will go on with our life, each one their way." She was speaking so quickly and anxiously that she wasn't fully realizing what she was saying, while she was waiting with bated breath for his reaction.
"What happened? Why are you doing this?" Now he sounded like he was really suffering.
"Forgive me, I want to leave behind anything that ties me with my past and you are a big part of my past. I want to make a new start, to live my life and of course to see other men. I wouldn't go with the first one that I found! Just let me go."
"This was the reason?" He laughed bitterly. "Your greatest wish was to see me one day, to see my eyes and their color. Don't you want it now?" Now he sounded like he was choking, like he couldn't say anything else.
This question angered her. "Me? See you? And why not you come over here to see me? To see how I am, to help me all these days like before, to kiss me like before? All these days, you were just sitting there and waiting for my phone call? You didn't even come to see my eyes, my new eyes that are so beautiful and with them I can finally see, like you. You prefer me as I was before? You would like that the donor hadn't been found?" She wasn't controlling any longer what she was saying, the words were coming out of her mouth, without any previous thought.
He wasn't saying anything, he was letting her to talk, without saying a word.
"Your eyes..." he only whispered with difficulty.
Gosh, is he crying? But now it's too late to go back. After all, he will soon forget me for another woman, as he has already started to do... Why should I care about him?
"Anyway, that's what I wanted to tell you. Thank you for what you've done for me, but life goes one."
She knew how embarrassing were these words, but she was too stubborn to change her mind now. She only wanted to close her cell phone and not hear again this sad voice. Because she knew that forgetting his voice would be the most difficult part. She hadn't ever seen his face, but she wouldn't dare now...
"At least, will you let me say goodbye?" he said eventually.
"Uh, yes ... we can keep in touch, though; we can see each other sometimes and remain friends."
Am I trying to repair now?, she wondered.
"If this is your decision, I can't press you or beg you to change it. If you're happy with this, I will force myself to be happy too. And if you can see..."
"Please" she stopped him, while she was looking outside, already thinking about other things, "I know that you don't mean all these. You are just trying to be brave. You can't imagine how sad I were, because you weren't next to me all these days; these days when I was suffering, but I was happy; when I was crying, because I was happy. That's why I started to think about the other options that my new life gave me. Someone who leaves you alone in difficulties, is not worthy of your love."
He sighed. "I really mean these words, sweetheart. I was suffering, but I was happy these days too. I wanted so much to be with you. Sorry if I hurt you, but I had no other choice. And whatever I've said to you before, I did meant it. How could you let one moment of doubt erase all my confessions to you?"
"I don't..."
"It doesn't matter anymore. I will keep on loving you. And I don't prefer you as before, I just want that girl that used to love me."
She didn't say anything; she continued to watch a child playing in the opposite garden.
"At least, I want you to be fine in your new life. Don't ever cry and if you want, remember me sometimes..."
He stopped for a moment.
"And a favor to ask..."
"What favor?", said the girl, while she was admiring at that moment her beautiful new eyes in the mirror.
"Take care of my eyes!"
Her face had petrified, she had remained frozen, looking... looking in the mirror... his eyes.
Tears were pouring down his cheeks.
Tears from two eyes wiped out, forever. "I love you."
unusual topic today
Today, I wanna discuss an unusual topic... Hope you guys won't mind :)
Basic question for you guys "Do you believe in ghost or that kind of matter?"
For me, YES...!
Since I was a child, I could feel it already... I also don't know why, maybe it's genetic specialty that I get from my dad -_-''
People believe that since we were born, there is someone who always follow us, doesn't matter it has positive or negative power, and I totally agree with this (although I'm Christian)
Suddenly, don't know why I want to write this topic...
I felt that the thing that follow me since I was child always try to play with me...
It always hide my things and give me back with unusual ways...
For example, a simple thing that happen at several times a go...
I bought 2 clothes when I went to KL,
I need to wear in an occasion,
When the day almost came, I found that I have lost it...
Suddenly, those clothes dissapeared!
I tried to find anywhere, my closet, my bag, even my luggage...
I gave up already, and finally I wore other clothes on the day.
Yesterday, I found both of them with (again) unusual way...
It was in my closet, at the top of my other clothes, and it was so tidy and neat.
I even never send it to laundry...!!zzzz
Not only that, I have lost the most precious thing in my room!!!
It just a doll, someone gave me... I really take care of it...
I never change its position cause I scared I will forget where I put of...
One day, It dissapeared!!!!!
I really mad for my self, and cried almost everyday...
It's been dissapeared for around 9 months, but I try to find it until now
I still hope, someday It will be return to me...
Last time, this kind of condition also often happened...
I always lost something, and found it in the part of my home which people never care about...
And there always the way which "indirectly" force me to go to the place where I found my things.
Nothing different with moving to Malaysia,
I always disturbed by it.
There were several times,
I heard people knocked my door, actually it was nobody outside...
I have seen a weird shadow too in my room...
I saw people who looks like my friend walk in midnight , but actually it isn't my friend.
Many weird things happened...
Even since I was child until now I have the similar weird dream...
To write this topic in my blog also I felt so weird...
I have written it, suddenly it closed the window by itself...
It was the second time I wrote...=.=''
My scroll also up and down by itself...
I really tired of this feeling...
But I'm sure God always protect me...
God bless you all ^^
Basic question for you guys "Do you believe in ghost or that kind of matter?"
For me, YES...!
Since I was a child, I could feel it already... I also don't know why, maybe it's genetic specialty that I get from my dad -_-''
People believe that since we were born, there is someone who always follow us, doesn't matter it has positive or negative power, and I totally agree with this (although I'm Christian)
Suddenly, don't know why I want to write this topic...
I felt that the thing that follow me since I was child always try to play with me...
It always hide my things and give me back with unusual ways...
For example, a simple thing that happen at several times a go...
I bought 2 clothes when I went to KL,
I need to wear in an occasion,
When the day almost came, I found that I have lost it...
Suddenly, those clothes dissapeared!
I tried to find anywhere, my closet, my bag, even my luggage...
I gave up already, and finally I wore other clothes on the day.
Yesterday, I found both of them with (again) unusual way...
It was in my closet, at the top of my other clothes, and it was so tidy and neat.
I even never send it to laundry...!!zzzz
Not only that, I have lost the most precious thing in my room!!!
It just a doll, someone gave me... I really take care of it...
I never change its position cause I scared I will forget where I put of...
One day, It dissapeared!!!!!
I really mad for my self, and cried almost everyday...
It's been dissapeared for around 9 months, but I try to find it until now
I still hope, someday It will be return to me...
Last time, this kind of condition also often happened...
I always lost something, and found it in the part of my home which people never care about...
And there always the way which "indirectly" force me to go to the place where I found my things.
Nothing different with moving to Malaysia,
I always disturbed by it.
There were several times,
I heard people knocked my door, actually it was nobody outside...
I have seen a weird shadow too in my room...
I saw people who looks like my friend walk in midnight , but actually it isn't my friend.
Many weird things happened...
Even since I was child until now I have the similar weird dream...
To write this topic in my blog also I felt so weird...
I have written it, suddenly it closed the window by itself...
It was the second time I wrote...=.=''
My scroll also up and down by itself...
I really tired of this feeling...
But I'm sure God always protect me...
God bless you all ^^
confondu =.=
It's quite long time already I didn't cry...
It makes me astonished...
Is it means I'm okay?
I also don't know...
I feel so flat, not sad not happy also...
I always pity my self,
although my friend told me don't to drown and pity my self already...
1.5 years a go, she really "slapped" my mind...
and now although we have less communication,
I always remember her says, but it's really difficult to do...
I happy for her finally she also could find her "prince".
This morning, I received a news that really made me shock again...
One of my best friend just broke up with his bf...
She really love that guy, and she could sacrifice anything for him...
Sorry to hear that, dear ToT
Wait for September, we'll have fun :)
Many things happen in these times...
I could take the value from those things ^^
For my dad in facebook,
I just can say "FASTER!!"
Wish you luck and could get your happiness...hohoho XD
I also want to say thank you although we chat rarely already
but you still remind me these and those,
since last time until now....
thanks "monyet"!!
Tips for you, be gentleman! hohoho
Faster call her or ask her out :P
Hey, I recommend you guys to hear this song.... Is a chinese song, but you guys could find the translation... :)
王心凌 - 這就是愛
It's quite long time already I didn't cry...
It makes me astonished...
Is it means I'm okay?
I also don't know...
I feel so flat, not sad not happy also...
I always pity my self,
although my friend told me don't to drown and pity my self already...
1.5 years a go, she really "slapped" my mind...
and now although we have less communication,
I always remember her says, but it's really difficult to do...
I happy for her finally she also could find her "prince".
This morning, I received a news that really made me shock again...
One of my best friend just broke up with his bf...
She really love that guy, and she could sacrifice anything for him...
Sorry to hear that, dear ToT
Wait for September, we'll have fun :)
Many things happen in these times...
I could take the value from those things ^^
For my dad in facebook,
I just can say "FASTER!!"
Wish you luck and could get your happiness...hohoho XD
I also want to say thank you although we chat rarely already
but you still remind me these and those,
since last time until now....
thanks "monyet"!!
Tips for you, be gentleman! hohoho
Faster call her or ask her out :P
Hey, I recommend you guys to hear this song.... Is a chinese song, but you guys could find the translation... :)
王心凌 - 這就是愛
high imagination *lol*
Currently, I have 3 assignments, 1 report, 1 presentation, 2 quizzes, and 4 exams left for this semester!
I need to submit 2 assignments by next Monday and I even haven't read through 20 journals yet @@
Hopefully, I could finish these things faster! and faster meet August ^^
These days, my imagination really works...hahahaha XD
I wondered how fun will Nilai UC be if it has Glee Club ( Super Impossible) wkkkk....
I don't know why I obsessed by Glee, I just like the story, like the songs, and the cast!
Glee shows so many ethical and morality issues in love, friendship, and music life...
I'm damn in love with Glee >,<''
By the way, in the middle of my headache cause of assignments and other stuffs,
I received bad news again!!! arrggghhh...
Suddenly my parents didn't allow me to go to China alone @@ zzzz
But, my mom gave me permission to go to Surabaya and (hopefully) Bali again! hohoho XD
If in chase this activity should be canceled, I had the other plan already ^^ hehehehe
September, please be nice to me ToT
please come back, wherever you are!!
Yesterday, my friend shocked me...
My friend asked me, why my face always faint and smile rarely =.=''
3 different people said me in almost the same period.
I realized that I have lost my smile since March 2010 a go.
I compared my pictures that I took before and after, it was so different.
I worried for many things that finally happened and didn't happen at all...
I felt my life was so sucks!
Since that time, I been a people who wasn't me...
I really lost in my mind.
March 2010 really affected my life until now...
I need my self back!
Met him is the biggest mistake in my life...
I tried so hard to believe in people
And finally I totally failed to believe in someone new who cured me from heartache which I got from him, and as the result it was just damn hurt both of us.
If I could return back the time, I would return to 2009...
It's the time when I ended a life and started a new life in here...
I was so happy, no worries, smile all the days...
The only problem that I had only my health was so terrible...
I skipped many class when I was still in IEP program.
Now, Who am I?
Wherever you are, I need you to come back, Ingga!
congratz!!!! ^^
I received good news just now!
My hometown friend said my "lovely" ex finally got girlfriend!!!!
It was a great great great news! XD
Hopefully after this he won't spread the news about why we broke anymore...
Since you got gf already, please stop to say bad things bout my dad...
We were broke cause he knew what you did behind me, not cause of he was cruel to you...
I felt so lucky I was break up with you... XDDDDDD
Just a information for you : Pure love won't occur if you keep use those kind of things...! School's status couldn't determine that all people who study at there are rich...
Barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by. She never tried to speak, she never said a word. Many people passed, but never did one person stop.
Just so happens the next day I decided to go back to the park, curious if the little girl would still be there.
Right in the very spot as she was yesterday she sat perched on high, with the saddest look in her eyes. Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl. As we all know a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play.
As I began walking towards her I could see the back of the little girl’s dress indicated a deformity. I figured that was the reason the people just passed by and made no effort to help. As I got closer, the little girl slightly lowered her eyes to avoid my intent stare. I could see the shape of her back more clearly. It was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form. I smiled to let her know it was ok, I was there to help, to talk.
I sat down beside her and opened with a simple Hello. The little girl acted shocked and stammered a hi after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back. We talked ’til darkness fell and the park was completely empty. Everyone was gone and we were alone. I asked the girl why she was so sad. The little girl looked at me and with a sad face said “Because I’m different.”
I immediately said “that you are!” and smiled. The little girl acted even sadder, she said, “I know.” “Little girl,” I said, “you remind me of an angel, she stood to her feet, and said, “Really?”
“Yes, ma’am, you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by.” She nodded her head yes and smiled, and with that she spread her wings and said with a twinkle in her eye, “I am.” I was speechless, sure I was seeing things. She said, “And since you thought of someone other than yourself, my job here is done.”
Immediately I stood to my feet and said, “Wait, so why did no one stop to help an angel?” She looked at me and smiled, “You’re the only one who could see me, and you believe it in your heart.” And She was gone. And with that my life was changed dramatically.
So, when you think you’re all you have, remember, there is an angel always watching over you.
Pass this to everyone that means anything at all to you…. to let them know you’re glad they care about you… like the story says we all need someone.
Everyone of your friends is an angel in their own.
- Author Unknown
Special Delivery
Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the Surgeon come out of the operating room, saying: "How is my little boy? Is he going to be O.K.? When can I see him?"
The surgeon responded, "I'm sorry, we did all we could." Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer, doesn't GOD care any more? GOD, where were you when my son needed you?"
The surgeon softly told her, "One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes to let you spend time with your son's remains before it's transported to the university".
Sally asked that the nurse stay with her while she said good-bye to her son. As she ran her fingers through his thick red curly hair, the nurse said, "Would you like a lock of his hair?"
Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of his hair and put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally.
She gazed at her son’s body as she spoke to the nurse.
"It was Jimmy's idea to give his body to the university for study. He said it might help somebody else, and that is what he wanted. I said, no at first, but Jimmy said, ‘Mom I won't be using it after I die, maybe it will help some other little boy to be able to spend one more day with his mother’. My Jimmy had a heart of gold, always thinking of someone else and always wanting to help others if he could".
Sally walked out of the Children's Hospital for the last time now after spending most of the last 6 months there. She sat the bag with Jimmy's things in it on the seat beside of her in the car. The drive home was hard and it was even harder to go into an empty house. She took the bag to Jimmy's room and started placing the model cars and things back in his room exactly where he always kept them. She lay down across his bed and cried herself to sleep holding his pillow. Sally woke up about midnight and lying beside her on the bed, was a letter folded up.
She opened the letter, it said:
Dear Mom,
I know you're going to miss me, but don't think that I will ever forget you or stop loving you because I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU. I'll think of you every day mom and I'll love you even more each day. Some day we will see each other again. If you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, he can have my room and my old stuff to play with. If you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things as us boys do, so you will have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like.
Don't be sad when you think about me, this is really a great place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything here.
The Angels are so friendly, and I love to watch them fly. Jesus doesn't look like any of the pictures I saw of Him, but I knew it was Him as soon as I saw Him. Jesus took me to see GOD! And guess what mom? I got to sit on GOD'S knee and talk to Him like I was somebody important. I told GOD that I wanted to write you a letter and tell you good-bye and everything, but I knew that wasn't allowed. God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter with. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel that is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him about... “Where was He when I needed him?”
God said, "The same place He was when Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children.” Oh, by the way Mom, nobody else can see what is written on this paper but you. To everyone else, it looks like a blank piece of paper.
I have to give God His pen back now, He has some more names to write in the Book Of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be great. I almost forgot to let you know - now I don't hurt anymore, the cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me suffer the pain either, so He sent The Angel of Mercy to get me. The Angel said I was Special Delivery!
Super tired
Super sick
Super faint today...
My migraine started again,
and I forced to drive & went back to Nilai just now...
But It doesn't matter cause I got good news when I reached my room
and opened my laptop!! >,<''
Can't wait for 5 weeks later ^^
Btw, Welcome to single community to my friend, Bryan! XDDDD
Super sick
Super faint today...
My migraine started again,
and I forced to drive & went back to Nilai just now...
But It doesn't matter cause I got good news when I reached my room
and opened my laptop!! >,<''
Can't wait for 5 weeks later ^^
Btw, Welcome to single community to my friend, Bryan! XDDDD
Love the life that you live
s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e !!!
Yesterday was Bryan's bday,
We celebrated it in DP, and just now only came back @@
So tired but so fun...
We went to karaoke also! Long time already didn't go karaoke...
I sang all the song that described all my feelings...
It really helped me to release all my feeling...
Sing isn't just my hobby, but also my helper... :)
Now, I really feel weird with my self
Suddenly, I really sensitive with guy... =.=
I ignored all guys who added me in bbm, and also fb...
I also deleted all guys who started to give "signal"
I shared this case to someone,
and he said I was too cool already...
I tired with pain and heartache...
I wanna rest, and fixed all the things that already broken...
I hope someday I'll find the one who could realize something >,<''
I think it will be later...not now...
Then, today we discussed about people's race
I found that, no matter what's the race of people,
they shouldn't have any problems with another...
Every people has their own right to live as human being
God created us with no mistake...
But I don't know why all people fight and started the war about race and religion also...
Hopefully, all people could live peacefully without any racism, or differences... :)
We celebrated it in DP, and just now only came back @@
So tired but so fun...
We went to karaoke also! Long time already didn't go karaoke...
I sang all the song that described all my feelings...
It really helped me to release all my feeling...
Sing isn't just my hobby, but also my helper... :)
Now, I really feel weird with my self
Suddenly, I really sensitive with guy... =.=
I ignored all guys who added me in bbm, and also fb...
I also deleted all guys who started to give "signal"
I shared this case to someone,
and he said I was too cool already...
I tired with pain and heartache...
I wanna rest, and fixed all the things that already broken...
I hope someday I'll find the one who could realize something >,<''
I think it will be later...not now...
Then, today we discussed about people's race
I found that, no matter what's the race of people,
they shouldn't have any problems with another...
Every people has their own right to live as human being
God created us with no mistake...
But I don't know why all people fight and started the war about race and religion also...
Hopefully, all people could live peacefully without any racism, or differences... :)
風急天高猿嘯哀, 渚清沙白鳥飛迴。
無邊落木蕭蕭下, 不盡長江滾滾來。
萬里悲秋常作客, 百年多病獨登臺。
艱難苦恨繁霜鬢, 潦倒新停濁酒杯。
means :
In a sharp gale from the wide sky apes are whimpering,
Birds are flying homeward over the clear lake and white sand,
Leaves are dropping down like the spray of a waterfall,
While I watch the long river always rolling on.
I have come three thousand miles away. Sad now with autumn
And with my hundred years of woe, I climb this height alone.
Ill fortune has laid a bitter frost on my temples,
Heart-ache and weariness are a thick dust in my wine.
August, please come faster :)
I miss my fam so much!
That's what on my mind now...
It doesn't matter how I so suffered by my assignments...
I always forget it when I remembered I will meet them soon... :))
Please come faster , August! ToT
MOE, MOE when I could finish you?
Why I never have mood to face you?? zzzz
Yesterday, I have set my topic for this assignment...
By the way, MOE is all about research method subject in my college =.=
My topic would be " The green-innovation revolution in relationship with industry's competitive advantages"
Hopefully I will be work... TT
It's so hard to set the topic...
In my opinion, this subject should be a synoptic, not an usual assignment....zzzz
I need to download about 20+ journals and articles, and criticize it...
August, please come!!!! ToT
The Brick
He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child darted out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP! - it smashed Into the Jag's shiny black side door! SCREECH..!!!! Brakes slammed! Gears ground into reverse, and tires madly spun the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. Josh jumped out of the car, grabbed the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!" Building up a head of steam, he went on. "That's my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"
"Please, mister, please. . . I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" Pleaded the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" Tears were dripping down the boy's chin as he pointed around the parked car. "It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up." Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."
Moved beyond words, the young executive tried desperately to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long walk back to the sleek, black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. . . Some bricks are softer than others. Feel for the bricks of life coming at to you. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has positive answers.
received from :
Gonna see you soon mom & dad ^^
Happy happy happy!!! Thank God
Gonna see you next month mom and dad <3
Although when I met them not really much have conversation,
but at least can meet them!!
The other thing is, my mom allow me to start my trip!!
I really wish to go to Korea ToT
But, the problem is... no one could go... >,<''
all my friend are busying...
my mom feel not fair to my dad if he doesn't follow...
and my dad not really much like Korea =.=''
I should find a people who want go there...
Anyone could go with me???
Now the only problem is...
When I should face you =.=''
Next week is the submission date, almost together with the event that my group held...
Now I even haven't start yet...
Still NO MOOD...
and THE INTERNET LINE are very SLOW (again!)
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See you soon mom&dad ^^ |
Family in heaven....
I'm the only child on my family...
It might be a biggest regret for me to live in my family...
I had to have a brother and sister, but my mom couldn't born them...
Many people said,
is the happiest thing to be the only child on the family.
In contrast, for me it's a biggest sadness...
Maybe it's right, All my parents love are just given to me,
but do people know how lonely I am...
People around me really made me jealous
They have brother and sister...
Let say,
My Mongolian friend, Temka. She had a great sister that super loves her...
She always accompany Temka wherever she goes, and always support her...
My senior, Deviani Angela. She had a great sister too...
Always help Devi, whenever she need helps...
My friends, Vivi. She had a fun sister, same typical as her...
My high school friend, Tiffany. She had a amazing brother,
He might not show her how he loves Tiffany, but yes he is!
Although I have many friends around me,
I don't know why I always be lonely
I scared to be alone...
I had felt it for 20 years,
I never have my own bro or sist...
Although I had a small bro, but actually he's my cousin, and I couldn't interact with him well...
My bro and sist,
could you guys see me?
I know is not fair cause mom could born me, but couldn't born two of you...
Although we never meet,
but I know I would love you guys so much....!
Since last time,
I set my mind to only have a boyfriend,
who could be my brother too...
But now I know it's impossible...
cause there is everlasting in this world...
My grandma died when I was in junior high school
I really love her, and she is my best friend...
She is the only best friend that I had last time,
Always accompany me played my toys when my parents were busy...
I miss you, grandma...
Do you with my bro and sist right now?
Please tell them I really want to meet them ToT
Anything happened, God have set our life..
Although I upset, but I'm sure
God never make mistakes....
It might be a biggest regret for me to live in my family...
I had to have a brother and sister, but my mom couldn't born them...
Many people said,
is the happiest thing to be the only child on the family.
In contrast, for me it's a biggest sadness...
Maybe it's right, All my parents love are just given to me,
but do people know how lonely I am...
People around me really made me jealous
They have brother and sister...
Let say,
My Mongolian friend, Temka. She had a great sister that super loves her...
She always accompany Temka wherever she goes, and always support her...
My senior, Deviani Angela. She had a great sister too...
Always help Devi, whenever she need helps...
My friends, Vivi. She had a fun sister, same typical as her...
My high school friend, Tiffany. She had a amazing brother,
He might not show her how he loves Tiffany, but yes he is!
Although I have many friends around me,
I don't know why I always be lonely
I scared to be alone...
I had felt it for 20 years,
I never have my own bro or sist...
Although I had a small bro, but actually he's my cousin, and I couldn't interact with him well...
My bro and sist,
could you guys see me?
I know is not fair cause mom could born me, but couldn't born two of you...
Although we never meet,
but I know I would love you guys so much....!
Since last time,
I set my mind to only have a boyfriend,
who could be my brother too...
But now I know it's impossible...
cause there is everlasting in this world...
My grandma died when I was in junior high school
I really love her, and she is my best friend...
She is the only best friend that I had last time,
Always accompany me played my toys when my parents were busy...
I miss you, grandma...
Do you with my bro and sist right now?
Please tell them I really want to meet them ToT
Anything happened, God have set our life..
Although I upset, but I'm sure
God never make mistakes....
bon voyage
Super busy right now!
But I don't know how I still can relax, sit in front of computer and write this blog =.=
Tomorrow I have a test, Strategic Management ( I even don't know which chapter ) lol XD
Besides, I also have a lot of assignments ><''
I really don't know how to start... no mood at all :p
It's so dangerous actually....zzz...=.=
Anyway, I'm so happy!!!
I gonna go to Thailand again,
and go back to Indonesia... hehehe XD
Hope it will be nice trip like last time...heheheh
My new life seems exactly what I wanted to be...
Busy with things, and trips!!
Hope someday I could go to Korea >.<"
and Paris, city of Romance...
Next year, BALI !!!!
Lot of memories since I was in elementary school
Bali always save a lot of beautiful memories...
Thanks Bali,
I don't know what memories will be saved by Bali next year :)
I hope it gonna be everlasting XD
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Amazing temple in Thailand |
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Sunrise at Bali |
I'm coming back!! ^^
This few days, I chose to be the real me...
and stop to be a geek, sit in front of facebook for hours =.=''
stop contact with my parents, and went to KL as tourist...
I tried to treasure back, who am I actually, how was I when first time arrived here,
and why I changed?
I such got a personality crisis...hahahaha XD
Now I'm in progress to change all my bad
My bad attitudes
My negative thinking
Non self confidence
Weak, and easily to cry
I even change the way I pray...!!
Last time, I prayed to my own luck...
Now, I realized it's super selfish kind of pray...
I apologize to all my friends that might be hurt by me or I had wrong...
Much sorry....
By the way, I also decor my room, and changed it a bit
I put simple pink wallpaper on it... ^^
is it quite sweet?? hehehe
I also went to KL as TOURIST to celebrate the anniversary of
me, vv, and gerry for 2 years we have been here ! hehehehe
It such a long journey guys... >,<''
I found new place!
I wanna go to F1 simulator when it opens...
The last, I'll show you my new look ><''
This few days, I chose to be the real me...
and stop to be a geek, sit in front of facebook for hours =.=''
stop contact with my parents, and went to KL as tourist...
I tried to treasure back, who am I actually, how was I when first time arrived here,
and why I changed?
I such got a personality crisis...hahahaha XD
Now I'm in progress to change all my bad
My bad attitudes
My negative thinking
Non self confidence
Weak, and easily to cry
I even change the way I pray...!!
Last time, I prayed to my own luck...
Now, I realized it's super selfish kind of pray...
I apologize to all my friends that might be hurt by me or I had wrong...
Much sorry....
By the way, I also decor my room, and changed it a bit
I put simple pink wallpaper on it... ^^
is it quite sweet?? hehehe
I also went to KL as TOURIST to celebrate the anniversary of
me, vv, and gerry for 2 years we have been here ! hehehehe
It such a long journey guys... >,<''
I found new place!
I wanna go to F1 simulator when it opens...
F1 simulator >< |
Night Safari? =.='' |
KL tower from near |
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long time no see him, Niko!!hahaha |
Night Starbucks-ing |
I love Bukit Bintang's mee ><'' |
Super alay, Bryan |
crazy guys ^^ |
4 of us ^^d |
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I colored my hair ^^ |
Bintang Walk |
Princess Vivi |
Ferrari ><'' |
happy 2 years guys ^^ |
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Me and Niko |
Si alay II, Gerry |
The last, I'll show you my new look ><''
how was it? ^^d |
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Sunday, 31 July 2011
Life had been cruel towards her.
"If only I could see for a moment, to see the colors of this world, to see my family's faces, to see the mountains, the sea, the birds… Whatever I have only heard until now, I wish I could see it too.... "
People say that sight is the faith. But for her this was not entirely true. She had lost her eyesight at the age of 5 years old. The memories of those that she had seen had faded so much, that she would hardly recognize even herself anymore.
She could currently "see" using her other senses. Walking in the streets of her city was a piece of cake. She could smell the rain before it dropped, but she could not watch it fall. She could feel the sun on her face, but she could not see it rise or set.
She often hated herself, she hated what she was. People around her were saying that she was so beautiful and that all her skills surpassed the skills of normal people! She played the piano so nice and her voice was angelic. She was smart, funny, loved by everyone. However, she would give everything for just one pair of eyes. She also hated sometimes the other people who could enjoy a gift that they often take for granted. For her, it was her deepest desire.
"I want to see the world like everyone else; to see the sun, the rain, the music. I would bet music looks beautiful..."
And her tears wet her pillow...
But life was also fair with her. In return, she found very soon a hand to wipe away these tears from her eyes and hold tenderly her hand, helping her around. She found a smile that could make her smile too, two lips that touched her own. And two eyes that...
The young man that her fate had given her, loved her more than his life.
"This is so unfair! If you knew how much I would like to see your eyes, their color, to see your face even for a little... Only with my hands, I can "see" that you are so beautiful... "
"Don't be sad, sweetie, it's enough if I can see your face; if only you knew how beautiful you are! And don't worry about my eyes, nor is their color important: you know that they belong to you." And he closed her lips with a kiss, before she could disagree.
"I will be your eyes forever. You will see through me", he whispered.
"Yes, but you know, they may find soon a graft, it is possible that I will see again! Oh God, I'm so happy! "
He was quiet for a little. It was like he was thinking about something important. "I... wanted to ask you a favor."
"What favor?"
"Would you like to marry me, when you see again?"
She laughed. Except from sudden, she found it funny. "Let's first find a graft and then we'll think about it..."
"And if they found one and all went well, would you then accept to be my wife?"
"Well... if I can see the world again, then yes, we'll get married."
He was so happy. "You'll definitely see the world again, trust me". He closed his eyes, lost in his thoughts.
Shortly afterwards, they announced her the pleasant news: a graft had indeed been found and the surgery had already been set up in a few days.
"Oh my God, I can't believe it, I will see again, for real?" she said to him tearful, a few hours before the big event, in the hospital's room.
"Of course you'll see again! Why are you crying? Are you afraid?"
"No, I'm fine." Silence fell for some moments." Ehm, to be honest, I haven't been more scared in my entire life!"
"Don't. Everything will turn out fine, trust me."
"Well, I can hear you are nervous too. You know that you can't escape from my other senses! Is something wrong?"
"I am just nervous about you. Don't care about me, just focus on tomorrow's surgery. And please, don't forget the favor I asked you, when you see again."
"I'll think about this too!"
"Always remember this: I will be your eyes forever. You'll see through me." He kissed her eyes and looked at her for a little, before leaving the room. "I love you."
The surgery was an absolute success. A little later, she could see the first blurry figures. They gradually became shapes, persons, objects. She saw her parents, her siblings, her friends. She saw again, after years, the sun and the rain drops. She remained starry-eyed when she stood in front of a mirror. Oh yes, her eyes were amazing, she was indeed beautiful. She felt on top of the world, everything seemed so wonderful!
But something had changed. Like, together with the darkness, she had also wiped out her previous life. She could see now, right? Why not going on with her life and seeing new things, why not leaving her past behind? Her thoughts were running, the one after the other, the one more bitter than the other. The advices given from her family and friends were enforcing these thoughts.
I did want to see him. But now I want to see other people, to know the world better. Leave the rest and the romance for later...
Let alone that he didn't come to see me all these days. Damn him and his lies. He loved me only when I was blind? This was a pity, not a real interest.
How could I believe him? He left me alone in my most important moment.
Of course I will continue my life without him.
Deep inside her, she knew that these thoughts were stupid and wrong. But a final talk with her friends persuaded her to do it. (Sometimes though, she was thinking that her friends might just be envious of her good luck: obviously, they could see and be jealous of the handsome man who chose her and not them.)
Finally, she decided to call him and tell him about her decision.
"Sweetheart, how are you? Is everything fine?" he answered immediately.
His cell phone was in his hand?! And he sounds... strange. He sounds happy, but he is like...
What does he want after all? Firstly he leaves me alone and now he is happy, but suffering? OK, he does deserve to be dumped now.
I have to calm down, the pressure on my eyes will increase! I will end up this story right now.
"I'm fine, I can finally see my parents and the sun. But I wanted to tell you something."
"You thought about my proposal? So, you are really fine!"
She bit her lips: she had completely forgotten it!
Damn, he makes it more difficult! I will cut this out right now, I don't want to give him any hopes.
"No, on the contrary, I want us to stop seeing each other - I think this word fits now! -, to break up with you. We will go on with our life, each one their way." She was speaking so quickly and anxiously that she wasn't fully realizing what she was saying, while she was waiting with bated breath for his reaction.
"What happened? Why are you doing this?" Now he sounded like he was really suffering.
"Forgive me, I want to leave behind anything that ties me with my past and you are a big part of my past. I want to make a new start, to live my life and of course to see other men. I wouldn't go with the first one that I found! Just let me go."
"This was the reason?" He laughed bitterly. "Your greatest wish was to see me one day, to see my eyes and their color. Don't you want it now?" Now he sounded like he was choking, like he couldn't say anything else.
This question angered her. "Me? See you? And why not you come over here to see me? To see how I am, to help me all these days like before, to kiss me like before? All these days, you were just sitting there and waiting for my phone call? You didn't even come to see my eyes, my new eyes that are so beautiful and with them I can finally see, like you. You prefer me as I was before? You would like that the donor hadn't been found?" She wasn't controlling any longer what she was saying, the words were coming out of her mouth, without any previous thought.
He wasn't saying anything, he was letting her to talk, without saying a word.
"Your eyes..." he only whispered with difficulty.
Gosh, is he crying? But now it's too late to go back. After all, he will soon forget me for another woman, as he has already started to do... Why should I care about him?
"Anyway, that's what I wanted to tell you. Thank you for what you've done for me, but life goes one."
She knew how embarrassing were these words, but she was too stubborn to change her mind now. She only wanted to close her cell phone and not hear again this sad voice. Because she knew that forgetting his voice would be the most difficult part. She hadn't ever seen his face, but she wouldn't dare now...
"At least, will you let me say goodbye?" he said eventually.
"Uh, yes ... we can keep in touch, though; we can see each other sometimes and remain friends."
Am I trying to repair now?, she wondered.
"If this is your decision, I can't press you or beg you to change it. If you're happy with this, I will force myself to be happy too. And if you can see..."
"Please" she stopped him, while she was looking outside, already thinking about other things, "I know that you don't mean all these. You are just trying to be brave. You can't imagine how sad I were, because you weren't next to me all these days; these days when I was suffering, but I was happy; when I was crying, because I was happy. That's why I started to think about the other options that my new life gave me. Someone who leaves you alone in difficulties, is not worthy of your love."
He sighed. "I really mean these words, sweetheart. I was suffering, but I was happy these days too. I wanted so much to be with you. Sorry if I hurt you, but I had no other choice. And whatever I've said to you before, I did meant it. How could you let one moment of doubt erase all my confessions to you?"
"I don't..."
"It doesn't matter anymore. I will keep on loving you. And I don't prefer you as before, I just want that girl that used to love me."
She didn't say anything; she continued to watch a child playing in the opposite garden.
"At least, I want you to be fine in your new life. Don't ever cry and if you want, remember me sometimes..."
He stopped for a moment.
"And a favor to ask..."
"What favor?", said the girl, while she was admiring at that moment her beautiful new eyes in the mirror.
"Take care of my eyes!"
Her face had petrified, she had remained frozen, looking... looking in the mirror... his eyes.
Tears were pouring down his cheeks.
Tears from two eyes wiped out, forever. "I love you."
"If only I could see for a moment, to see the colors of this world, to see my family's faces, to see the mountains, the sea, the birds… Whatever I have only heard until now, I wish I could see it too.... "
People say that sight is the faith. But for her this was not entirely true. She had lost her eyesight at the age of 5 years old. The memories of those that she had seen had faded so much, that she would hardly recognize even herself anymore.
She could currently "see" using her other senses. Walking in the streets of her city was a piece of cake. She could smell the rain before it dropped, but she could not watch it fall. She could feel the sun on her face, but she could not see it rise or set.
She often hated herself, she hated what she was. People around her were saying that she was so beautiful and that all her skills surpassed the skills of normal people! She played the piano so nice and her voice was angelic. She was smart, funny, loved by everyone. However, she would give everything for just one pair of eyes. She also hated sometimes the other people who could enjoy a gift that they often take for granted. For her, it was her deepest desire.
"I want to see the world like everyone else; to see the sun, the rain, the music. I would bet music looks beautiful..."
And her tears wet her pillow...
But life was also fair with her. In return, she found very soon a hand to wipe away these tears from her eyes and hold tenderly her hand, helping her around. She found a smile that could make her smile too, two lips that touched her own. And two eyes that...
The young man that her fate had given her, loved her more than his life.
"This is so unfair! If you knew how much I would like to see your eyes, their color, to see your face even for a little... Only with my hands, I can "see" that you are so beautiful... "
"Don't be sad, sweetie, it's enough if I can see your face; if only you knew how beautiful you are! And don't worry about my eyes, nor is their color important: you know that they belong to you." And he closed her lips with a kiss, before she could disagree.
"I will be your eyes forever. You will see through me", he whispered.
"Yes, but you know, they may find soon a graft, it is possible that I will see again! Oh God, I'm so happy! "
He was quiet for a little. It was like he was thinking about something important. "I... wanted to ask you a favor."
"What favor?"
"Would you like to marry me, when you see again?"
She laughed. Except from sudden, she found it funny. "Let's first find a graft and then we'll think about it..."
"And if they found one and all went well, would you then accept to be my wife?"
"Well... if I can see the world again, then yes, we'll get married."
He was so happy. "You'll definitely see the world again, trust me". He closed his eyes, lost in his thoughts.
Shortly afterwards, they announced her the pleasant news: a graft had indeed been found and the surgery had already been set up in a few days.
"Oh my God, I can't believe it, I will see again, for real?" she said to him tearful, a few hours before the big event, in the hospital's room.
"Of course you'll see again! Why are you crying? Are you afraid?"
"No, I'm fine." Silence fell for some moments." Ehm, to be honest, I haven't been more scared in my entire life!"
"Don't. Everything will turn out fine, trust me."
"Well, I can hear you are nervous too. You know that you can't escape from my other senses! Is something wrong?"
"I am just nervous about you. Don't care about me, just focus on tomorrow's surgery. And please, don't forget the favor I asked you, when you see again."
"I'll think about this too!"
"Always remember this: I will be your eyes forever. You'll see through me." He kissed her eyes and looked at her for a little, before leaving the room. "I love you."
The surgery was an absolute success. A little later, she could see the first blurry figures. They gradually became shapes, persons, objects. She saw her parents, her siblings, her friends. She saw again, after years, the sun and the rain drops. She remained starry-eyed when she stood in front of a mirror. Oh yes, her eyes were amazing, she was indeed beautiful. She felt on top of the world, everything seemed so wonderful!
But something had changed. Like, together with the darkness, she had also wiped out her previous life. She could see now, right? Why not going on with her life and seeing new things, why not leaving her past behind? Her thoughts were running, the one after the other, the one more bitter than the other. The advices given from her family and friends were enforcing these thoughts.
I did want to see him. But now I want to see other people, to know the world better. Leave the rest and the romance for later...
Let alone that he didn't come to see me all these days. Damn him and his lies. He loved me only when I was blind? This was a pity, not a real interest.
How could I believe him? He left me alone in my most important moment.
Of course I will continue my life without him.
Deep inside her, she knew that these thoughts were stupid and wrong. But a final talk with her friends persuaded her to do it. (Sometimes though, she was thinking that her friends might just be envious of her good luck: obviously, they could see and be jealous of the handsome man who chose her and not them.)
Finally, she decided to call him and tell him about her decision.
"Sweetheart, how are you? Is everything fine?" he answered immediately.
His cell phone was in his hand?! And he sounds... strange. He sounds happy, but he is like...
What does he want after all? Firstly he leaves me alone and now he is happy, but suffering? OK, he does deserve to be dumped now.
I have to calm down, the pressure on my eyes will increase! I will end up this story right now.
"I'm fine, I can finally see my parents and the sun. But I wanted to tell you something."
"You thought about my proposal? So, you are really fine!"
She bit her lips: she had completely forgotten it!
Damn, he makes it more difficult! I will cut this out right now, I don't want to give him any hopes.
"No, on the contrary, I want us to stop seeing each other - I think this word fits now! -, to break up with you. We will go on with our life, each one their way." She was speaking so quickly and anxiously that she wasn't fully realizing what she was saying, while she was waiting with bated breath for his reaction.
"What happened? Why are you doing this?" Now he sounded like he was really suffering.
"Forgive me, I want to leave behind anything that ties me with my past and you are a big part of my past. I want to make a new start, to live my life and of course to see other men. I wouldn't go with the first one that I found! Just let me go."
"This was the reason?" He laughed bitterly. "Your greatest wish was to see me one day, to see my eyes and their color. Don't you want it now?" Now he sounded like he was choking, like he couldn't say anything else.
This question angered her. "Me? See you? And why not you come over here to see me? To see how I am, to help me all these days like before, to kiss me like before? All these days, you were just sitting there and waiting for my phone call? You didn't even come to see my eyes, my new eyes that are so beautiful and with them I can finally see, like you. You prefer me as I was before? You would like that the donor hadn't been found?" She wasn't controlling any longer what she was saying, the words were coming out of her mouth, without any previous thought.
He wasn't saying anything, he was letting her to talk, without saying a word.
"Your eyes..." he only whispered with difficulty.
Gosh, is he crying? But now it's too late to go back. After all, he will soon forget me for another woman, as he has already started to do... Why should I care about him?
"Anyway, that's what I wanted to tell you. Thank you for what you've done for me, but life goes one."
She knew how embarrassing were these words, but she was too stubborn to change her mind now. She only wanted to close her cell phone and not hear again this sad voice. Because she knew that forgetting his voice would be the most difficult part. She hadn't ever seen his face, but she wouldn't dare now...
"At least, will you let me say goodbye?" he said eventually.
"Uh, yes ... we can keep in touch, though; we can see each other sometimes and remain friends."
Am I trying to repair now?, she wondered.
"If this is your decision, I can't press you or beg you to change it. If you're happy with this, I will force myself to be happy too. And if you can see..."
"Please" she stopped him, while she was looking outside, already thinking about other things, "I know that you don't mean all these. You are just trying to be brave. You can't imagine how sad I were, because you weren't next to me all these days; these days when I was suffering, but I was happy; when I was crying, because I was happy. That's why I started to think about the other options that my new life gave me. Someone who leaves you alone in difficulties, is not worthy of your love."
He sighed. "I really mean these words, sweetheart. I was suffering, but I was happy these days too. I wanted so much to be with you. Sorry if I hurt you, but I had no other choice. And whatever I've said to you before, I did meant it. How could you let one moment of doubt erase all my confessions to you?"
"I don't..."
"It doesn't matter anymore. I will keep on loving you. And I don't prefer you as before, I just want that girl that used to love me."
She didn't say anything; she continued to watch a child playing in the opposite garden.
"At least, I want you to be fine in your new life. Don't ever cry and if you want, remember me sometimes..."
He stopped for a moment.
"And a favor to ask..."
"What favor?", said the girl, while she was admiring at that moment her beautiful new eyes in the mirror.
"Take care of my eyes!"
Her face had petrified, she had remained frozen, looking... looking in the mirror... his eyes.
Tears were pouring down his cheeks.
Tears from two eyes wiped out, forever. "I love you."
Thursday, 28 July 2011
unusual topic today
Today, I wanna discuss an unusual topic... Hope you guys won't mind :)
Basic question for you guys "Do you believe in ghost or that kind of matter?"
For me, YES...!
Since I was a child, I could feel it already... I also don't know why, maybe it's genetic specialty that I get from my dad -_-''
People believe that since we were born, there is someone who always follow us, doesn't matter it has positive or negative power, and I totally agree with this (although I'm Christian)
Suddenly, don't know why I want to write this topic...
I felt that the thing that follow me since I was child always try to play with me...
It always hide my things and give me back with unusual ways...
For example, a simple thing that happen at several times a go...
I bought 2 clothes when I went to KL,
I need to wear in an occasion,
When the day almost came, I found that I have lost it...
Suddenly, those clothes dissapeared!
I tried to find anywhere, my closet, my bag, even my luggage...
I gave up already, and finally I wore other clothes on the day.
Yesterday, I found both of them with (again) unusual way...
It was in my closet, at the top of my other clothes, and it was so tidy and neat.
I even never send it to laundry...!!zzzz
Not only that, I have lost the most precious thing in my room!!!
It just a doll, someone gave me... I really take care of it...
I never change its position cause I scared I will forget where I put of...
One day, It dissapeared!!!!!
I really mad for my self, and cried almost everyday...
It's been dissapeared for around 9 months, but I try to find it until now
I still hope, someday It will be return to me...
Last time, this kind of condition also often happened...
I always lost something, and found it in the part of my home which people never care about...
And there always the way which "indirectly" force me to go to the place where I found my things.
Nothing different with moving to Malaysia,
I always disturbed by it.
There were several times,
I heard people knocked my door, actually it was nobody outside...
I have seen a weird shadow too in my room...
I saw people who looks like my friend walk in midnight , but actually it isn't my friend.
Many weird things happened...
Even since I was child until now I have the similar weird dream...
To write this topic in my blog also I felt so weird...
I have written it, suddenly it closed the window by itself...
It was the second time I wrote...=.=''
My scroll also up and down by itself...
I really tired of this feeling...
But I'm sure God always protect me...
God bless you all ^^
Basic question for you guys "Do you believe in ghost or that kind of matter?"
For me, YES...!
Since I was a child, I could feel it already... I also don't know why, maybe it's genetic specialty that I get from my dad -_-''
People believe that since we were born, there is someone who always follow us, doesn't matter it has positive or negative power, and I totally agree with this (although I'm Christian)
Suddenly, don't know why I want to write this topic...
I felt that the thing that follow me since I was child always try to play with me...
It always hide my things and give me back with unusual ways...
For example, a simple thing that happen at several times a go...
I bought 2 clothes when I went to KL,
I need to wear in an occasion,
When the day almost came, I found that I have lost it...
Suddenly, those clothes dissapeared!
I tried to find anywhere, my closet, my bag, even my luggage...
I gave up already, and finally I wore other clothes on the day.
Yesterday, I found both of them with (again) unusual way...
It was in my closet, at the top of my other clothes, and it was so tidy and neat.
I even never send it to laundry...!!zzzz
Not only that, I have lost the most precious thing in my room!!!
It just a doll, someone gave me... I really take care of it...
I never change its position cause I scared I will forget where I put of...
One day, It dissapeared!!!!!
I really mad for my self, and cried almost everyday...
It's been dissapeared for around 9 months, but I try to find it until now
I still hope, someday It will be return to me...
Last time, this kind of condition also often happened...
I always lost something, and found it in the part of my home which people never care about...
And there always the way which "indirectly" force me to go to the place where I found my things.
Nothing different with moving to Malaysia,
I always disturbed by it.
There were several times,
I heard people knocked my door, actually it was nobody outside...
I have seen a weird shadow too in my room...
I saw people who looks like my friend walk in midnight , but actually it isn't my friend.
Many weird things happened...
Even since I was child until now I have the similar weird dream...
To write this topic in my blog also I felt so weird...
I have written it, suddenly it closed the window by itself...
It was the second time I wrote...=.=''
My scroll also up and down by itself...
I really tired of this feeling...
But I'm sure God always protect me...
God bless you all ^^
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
confondu =.=
It's quite long time already I didn't cry...
It makes me astonished...
Is it means I'm okay?
I also don't know...
I feel so flat, not sad not happy also...
I always pity my self,
although my friend told me don't to drown and pity my self already...
1.5 years a go, she really "slapped" my mind...
and now although we have less communication,
I always remember her says, but it's really difficult to do...
I happy for her finally she also could find her "prince".
This morning, I received a news that really made me shock again...
One of my best friend just broke up with his bf...
She really love that guy, and she could sacrifice anything for him...
Sorry to hear that, dear ToT
Wait for September, we'll have fun :)
Many things happen in these times...
I could take the value from those things ^^
For my dad in facebook,
I just can say "FASTER!!"
Wish you luck and could get your happiness...hohoho XD
I also want to say thank you although we chat rarely already
but you still remind me these and those,
since last time until now....
thanks "monyet"!!
Tips for you, be gentleman! hohoho
Faster call her or ask her out :P
Hey, I recommend you guys to hear this song.... Is a chinese song, but you guys could find the translation... :)
王心凌 - 這就是愛
It's quite long time already I didn't cry...
It makes me astonished...
Is it means I'm okay?
I also don't know...
I feel so flat, not sad not happy also...
I always pity my self,
although my friend told me don't to drown and pity my self already...
1.5 years a go, she really "slapped" my mind...
and now although we have less communication,
I always remember her says, but it's really difficult to do...
I happy for her finally she also could find her "prince".
This morning, I received a news that really made me shock again...
One of my best friend just broke up with his bf...
She really love that guy, and she could sacrifice anything for him...
Sorry to hear that, dear ToT
Wait for September, we'll have fun :)
Many things happen in these times...
I could take the value from those things ^^
For my dad in facebook,
I just can say "FASTER!!"
Wish you luck and could get your happiness...hohoho XD
I also want to say thank you although we chat rarely already
but you still remind me these and those,
since last time until now....
thanks "monyet"!!
Tips for you, be gentleman! hohoho
Faster call her or ask her out :P
Hey, I recommend you guys to hear this song.... Is a chinese song, but you guys could find the translation... :)
王心凌 - 這就是愛
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
high imagination *lol*
Currently, I have 3 assignments, 1 report, 1 presentation, 2 quizzes, and 4 exams left for this semester!
I need to submit 2 assignments by next Monday and I even haven't read through 20 journals yet @@
Hopefully, I could finish these things faster! and faster meet August ^^
These days, my imagination really works...hahahaha XD
I wondered how fun will Nilai UC be if it has Glee Club ( Super Impossible) wkkkk....
I don't know why I obsessed by Glee, I just like the story, like the songs, and the cast!
Glee shows so many ethical and morality issues in love, friendship, and music life...
I'm damn in love with Glee >,<''
By the way, in the middle of my headache cause of assignments and other stuffs,
I received bad news again!!! arrggghhh...
Suddenly my parents didn't allow me to go to China alone @@ zzzz
But, my mom gave me permission to go to Surabaya and (hopefully) Bali again! hohoho XD
If in chase this activity should be canceled, I had the other plan already ^^ hehehehe
September, please be nice to me ToT
Sunday, 24 July 2011
please come back, wherever you are!!
Yesterday, my friend shocked me...
My friend asked me, why my face always faint and smile rarely =.=''
3 different people said me in almost the same period.
I realized that I have lost my smile since March 2010 a go.
I compared my pictures that I took before and after, it was so different.
I worried for many things that finally happened and didn't happen at all...
I felt my life was so sucks!
Since that time, I been a people who wasn't me...
I really lost in my mind.
March 2010 really affected my life until now...
I need my self back!
Met him is the biggest mistake in my life...
I tried so hard to believe in people
And finally I totally failed to believe in someone new who cured me from heartache which I got from him, and as the result it was just damn hurt both of us.
If I could return back the time, I would return to 2009...
It's the time when I ended a life and started a new life in here...
I was so happy, no worries, smile all the days...
The only problem that I had only my health was so terrible...
I skipped many class when I was still in IEP program.
Now, Who am I?
Wherever you are, I need you to come back, Ingga!
Saturday, 23 July 2011
congratz!!!! ^^
I received good news just now!
My hometown friend said my "lovely" ex finally got girlfriend!!!!
It was a great great great news! XD
Hopefully after this he won't spread the news about why we broke anymore...
Since you got gf already, please stop to say bad things bout my dad...
We were broke cause he knew what you did behind me, not cause of he was cruel to you...
I felt so lucky I was break up with you... XDDDDDD
Just a information for you : Pure love won't occur if you keep use those kind of things...! School's status couldn't determine that all people who study at there are rich...
Friday, 22 July 2011
Barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by. She never tried to speak, she never said a word. Many people passed, but never did one person stop.
Just so happens the next day I decided to go back to the park, curious if the little girl would still be there.
Right in the very spot as she was yesterday she sat perched on high, with the saddest look in her eyes. Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl. As we all know a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play.
As I began walking towards her I could see the back of the little girl’s dress indicated a deformity. I figured that was the reason the people just passed by and made no effort to help. As I got closer, the little girl slightly lowered her eyes to avoid my intent stare. I could see the shape of her back more clearly. It was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form. I smiled to let her know it was ok, I was there to help, to talk.
I sat down beside her and opened with a simple Hello. The little girl acted shocked and stammered a hi after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back. We talked ’til darkness fell and the park was completely empty. Everyone was gone and we were alone. I asked the girl why she was so sad. The little girl looked at me and with a sad face said “Because I’m different.”
I immediately said “that you are!” and smiled. The little girl acted even sadder, she said, “I know.” “Little girl,” I said, “you remind me of an angel, she stood to her feet, and said, “Really?”
“Yes, ma’am, you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by.” She nodded her head yes and smiled, and with that she spread her wings and said with a twinkle in her eye, “I am.” I was speechless, sure I was seeing things. She said, “And since you thought of someone other than yourself, my job here is done.”
Immediately I stood to my feet and said, “Wait, so why did no one stop to help an angel?” She looked at me and smiled, “You’re the only one who could see me, and you believe it in your heart.” And She was gone. And with that my life was changed dramatically.
So, when you think you’re all you have, remember, there is an angel always watching over you.
Pass this to everyone that means anything at all to you…. to let them know you’re glad they care about you… like the story says we all need someone.
Everyone of your friends is an angel in their own.
- Author Unknown
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Special Delivery
Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the Surgeon come out of the operating room, saying: "How is my little boy? Is he going to be O.K.? When can I see him?"
The surgeon responded, "I'm sorry, we did all we could." Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer, doesn't GOD care any more? GOD, where were you when my son needed you?"
The surgeon softly told her, "One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes to let you spend time with your son's remains before it's transported to the university".
Sally asked that the nurse stay with her while she said good-bye to her son. As she ran her fingers through his thick red curly hair, the nurse said, "Would you like a lock of his hair?"
Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of his hair and put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally.
She gazed at her son’s body as she spoke to the nurse.
"It was Jimmy's idea to give his body to the university for study. He said it might help somebody else, and that is what he wanted. I said, no at first, but Jimmy said, ‘Mom I won't be using it after I die, maybe it will help some other little boy to be able to spend one more day with his mother’. My Jimmy had a heart of gold, always thinking of someone else and always wanting to help others if he could".
Sally walked out of the Children's Hospital for the last time now after spending most of the last 6 months there. She sat the bag with Jimmy's things in it on the seat beside of her in the car. The drive home was hard and it was even harder to go into an empty house. She took the bag to Jimmy's room and started placing the model cars and things back in his room exactly where he always kept them. She lay down across his bed and cried herself to sleep holding his pillow. Sally woke up about midnight and lying beside her on the bed, was a letter folded up.
She opened the letter, it said:
Dear Mom,
I know you're going to miss me, but don't think that I will ever forget you or stop loving you because I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU. I'll think of you every day mom and I'll love you even more each day. Some day we will see each other again. If you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, he can have my room and my old stuff to play with. If you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things as us boys do, so you will have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like.
Don't be sad when you think about me, this is really a great place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything here.
The Angels are so friendly, and I love to watch them fly. Jesus doesn't look like any of the pictures I saw of Him, but I knew it was Him as soon as I saw Him. Jesus took me to see GOD! And guess what mom? I got to sit on GOD'S knee and talk to Him like I was somebody important. I told GOD that I wanted to write you a letter and tell you good-bye and everything, but I knew that wasn't allowed. God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter with. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel that is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him about... “Where was He when I needed him?”
God said, "The same place He was when Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children.” Oh, by the way Mom, nobody else can see what is written on this paper but you. To everyone else, it looks like a blank piece of paper.
I have to give God His pen back now, He has some more names to write in the Book Of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be great. I almost forgot to let you know - now I don't hurt anymore, the cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me suffer the pain either, so He sent The Angel of Mercy to get me. The Angel said I was Special Delivery!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Super tired
Super sick
Super faint today...
My migraine started again,
and I forced to drive & went back to Nilai just now...
But It doesn't matter cause I got good news when I reached my room
and opened my laptop!! >,<''
Can't wait for 5 weeks later ^^
Btw, Welcome to single community to my friend, Bryan! XDDDD
Super sick
Super faint today...
My migraine started again,
and I forced to drive & went back to Nilai just now...
But It doesn't matter cause I got good news when I reached my room
and opened my laptop!! >,<''
Can't wait for 5 weeks later ^^
Btw, Welcome to single community to my friend, Bryan! XDDDD
Love the life that you live
Sunday, 17 July 2011
s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e !!!
Yesterday was Bryan's bday,
We celebrated it in DP, and just now only came back @@
So tired but so fun...
We went to karaoke also! Long time already didn't go karaoke...
I sang all the song that described all my feelings...
It really helped me to release all my feeling...
Sing isn't just my hobby, but also my helper... :)
Now, I really feel weird with my self
Suddenly, I really sensitive with guy... =.=
I ignored all guys who added me in bbm, and also fb...
I also deleted all guys who started to give "signal"
I shared this case to someone,
and he said I was too cool already...
I tired with pain and heartache...
I wanna rest, and fixed all the things that already broken...
I hope someday I'll find the one who could realize something >,<''
I think it will be later...not now...
Then, today we discussed about people's race
I found that, no matter what's the race of people,
they shouldn't have any problems with another...
Every people has their own right to live as human being
God created us with no mistake...
But I don't know why all people fight and started the war about race and religion also...
Hopefully, all people could live peacefully without any racism, or differences... :)
We celebrated it in DP, and just now only came back @@
So tired but so fun...
We went to karaoke also! Long time already didn't go karaoke...
I sang all the song that described all my feelings...
It really helped me to release all my feeling...
Sing isn't just my hobby, but also my helper... :)
Now, I really feel weird with my self
Suddenly, I really sensitive with guy... =.=
I ignored all guys who added me in bbm, and also fb...
I also deleted all guys who started to give "signal"
I shared this case to someone,
and he said I was too cool already...
I tired with pain and heartache...
I wanna rest, and fixed all the things that already broken...
I hope someday I'll find the one who could realize something >,<''
I think it will be later...not now...
Then, today we discussed about people's race
I found that, no matter what's the race of people,
they shouldn't have any problems with another...
Every people has their own right to live as human being
God created us with no mistake...
But I don't know why all people fight and started the war about race and religion also...
Hopefully, all people could live peacefully without any racism, or differences... :)
Friday, 15 July 2011
風急天高猿嘯哀, 渚清沙白鳥飛迴。
無邊落木蕭蕭下, 不盡長江滾滾來。
萬里悲秋常作客, 百年多病獨登臺。
艱難苦恨繁霜鬢, 潦倒新停濁酒杯。
means :
In a sharp gale from the wide sky apes are whimpering,
Birds are flying homeward over the clear lake and white sand,
Leaves are dropping down like the spray of a waterfall,
While I watch the long river always rolling on.
I have come three thousand miles away. Sad now with autumn
And with my hundred years of woe, I climb this height alone.
Ill fortune has laid a bitter frost on my temples,
Heart-ache and weariness are a thick dust in my wine.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
August, please come faster :)
I miss my fam so much!
That's what on my mind now...
It doesn't matter how I so suffered by my assignments...
I always forget it when I remembered I will meet them soon... :))
Please come faster , August! ToT
MOE, MOE when I could finish you?
Why I never have mood to face you?? zzzz
Yesterday, I have set my topic for this assignment...
By the way, MOE is all about research method subject in my college =.=
My topic would be " The green-innovation revolution in relationship with industry's competitive advantages"
Hopefully I will be work... TT
It's so hard to set the topic...
In my opinion, this subject should be a synoptic, not an usual assignment....zzzz
I need to download about 20+ journals and articles, and criticize it...
August, please come!!!! ToT
Saturday, 9 July 2011
The Brick
He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child darted out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP! - it smashed Into the Jag's shiny black side door! SCREECH..!!!! Brakes slammed! Gears ground into reverse, and tires madly spun the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown. Josh jumped out of the car, grabbed the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!" Building up a head of steam, he went on. "That's my new Jag, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"
"Please, mister, please. . . I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" Pleaded the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" Tears were dripping down the boy's chin as he pointed around the parked car. "It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up." Sobbing, the boy asked the executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."
Moved beyond words, the young executive tried desperately to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. Straining, he lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long walk back to the sleek, black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. . . Some bricks are softer than others. Feel for the bricks of life coming at to you. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has positive answers.
received from :
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Gonna see you soon mom & dad ^^
Happy happy happy!!! Thank God
Gonna see you next month mom and dad <3
Although when I met them not really much have conversation,
but at least can meet them!!
The other thing is, my mom allow me to start my trip!!
I really wish to go to Korea ToT
But, the problem is... no one could go... >,<''
all my friend are busying...
my mom feel not fair to my dad if he doesn't follow...
and my dad not really much like Korea =.=''
I should find a people who want go there...
Anyone could go with me???
Now the only problem is...
When I should face you =.=''
Next week is the submission date, almost together with the event that my group held...
Now I even haven't start yet...
Still NO MOOD...
and THE INTERNET LINE are very SLOW (again!)
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See you soon mom&dad ^^ |
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Family in heaven....
I'm the only child on my family...
It might be a biggest regret for me to live in my family...
I had to have a brother and sister, but my mom couldn't born them...
Many people said,
is the happiest thing to be the only child on the family.
In contrast, for me it's a biggest sadness...
Maybe it's right, All my parents love are just given to me,
but do people know how lonely I am...
People around me really made me jealous
They have brother and sister...
Let say,
My Mongolian friend, Temka. She had a great sister that super loves her...
She always accompany Temka wherever she goes, and always support her...
My senior, Deviani Angela. She had a great sister too...
Always help Devi, whenever she need helps...
My friends, Vivi. She had a fun sister, same typical as her...
My high school friend, Tiffany. She had a amazing brother,
He might not show her how he loves Tiffany, but yes he is!
Although I have many friends around me,
I don't know why I always be lonely
I scared to be alone...
I had felt it for 20 years,
I never have my own bro or sist...
Although I had a small bro, but actually he's my cousin, and I couldn't interact with him well...
My bro and sist,
could you guys see me?
I know is not fair cause mom could born me, but couldn't born two of you...
Although we never meet,
but I know I would love you guys so much....!
Since last time,
I set my mind to only have a boyfriend,
who could be my brother too...
But now I know it's impossible...
cause there is everlasting in this world...
My grandma died when I was in junior high school
I really love her, and she is my best friend...
She is the only best friend that I had last time,
Always accompany me played my toys when my parents were busy...
I miss you, grandma...
Do you with my bro and sist right now?
Please tell them I really want to meet them ToT
Anything happened, God have set our life..
Although I upset, but I'm sure
God never make mistakes....
It might be a biggest regret for me to live in my family...
I had to have a brother and sister, but my mom couldn't born them...
Many people said,
is the happiest thing to be the only child on the family.
In contrast, for me it's a biggest sadness...
Maybe it's right, All my parents love are just given to me,
but do people know how lonely I am...
People around me really made me jealous
They have brother and sister...
Let say,
My Mongolian friend, Temka. She had a great sister that super loves her...
She always accompany Temka wherever she goes, and always support her...
My senior, Deviani Angela. She had a great sister too...
Always help Devi, whenever she need helps...
My friends, Vivi. She had a fun sister, same typical as her...
My high school friend, Tiffany. She had a amazing brother,
He might not show her how he loves Tiffany, but yes he is!
Although I have many friends around me,
I don't know why I always be lonely
I scared to be alone...
I had felt it for 20 years,
I never have my own bro or sist...
Although I had a small bro, but actually he's my cousin, and I couldn't interact with him well...
My bro and sist,
could you guys see me?
I know is not fair cause mom could born me, but couldn't born two of you...
Although we never meet,
but I know I would love you guys so much....!
Since last time,
I set my mind to only have a boyfriend,
who could be my brother too...
But now I know it's impossible...
cause there is everlasting in this world...
My grandma died when I was in junior high school
I really love her, and she is my best friend...
She is the only best friend that I had last time,
Always accompany me played my toys when my parents were busy...
I miss you, grandma...
Do you with my bro and sist right now?
Please tell them I really want to meet them ToT
Anything happened, God have set our life..
Although I upset, but I'm sure
God never make mistakes....
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
bon voyage
Super busy right now!
But I don't know how I still can relax, sit in front of computer and write this blog =.=
Tomorrow I have a test, Strategic Management ( I even don't know which chapter ) lol XD
Besides, I also have a lot of assignments ><''
I really don't know how to start... no mood at all :p
It's so dangerous actually....zzz...=.=
Anyway, I'm so happy!!!
I gonna go to Thailand again,
and go back to Indonesia... hehehe XD
Hope it will be nice trip like last time...heheheh
My new life seems exactly what I wanted to be...
Busy with things, and trips!!
Hope someday I could go to Korea >.<"
and Paris, city of Romance...
Next year, BALI !!!!
Lot of memories since I was in elementary school
Bali always save a lot of beautiful memories...
Thanks Bali,
I don't know what memories will be saved by Bali next year :)
I hope it gonna be everlasting XD
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Amazing temple in Thailand |
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Sunrise at Bali |
Monday, 4 July 2011
I'm coming back!! ^^
This few days, I chose to be the real me...
and stop to be a geek, sit in front of facebook for hours =.=''
stop contact with my parents, and went to KL as tourist...
I tried to treasure back, who am I actually, how was I when first time arrived here,
and why I changed?
I such got a personality crisis...hahahaha XD
Now I'm in progress to change all my bad
My bad attitudes
My negative thinking
Non self confidence
Weak, and easily to cry
I even change the way I pray...!!
Last time, I prayed to my own luck...
Now, I realized it's super selfish kind of pray...
I apologize to all my friends that might be hurt by me or I had wrong...
Much sorry....
By the way, I also decor my room, and changed it a bit
I put simple pink wallpaper on it... ^^
is it quite sweet?? hehehe
I also went to KL as TOURIST to celebrate the anniversary of
me, vv, and gerry for 2 years we have been here ! hehehehe
It such a long journey guys... >,<''
I found new place!
I wanna go to F1 simulator when it opens...
The last, I'll show you my new look ><''
This few days, I chose to be the real me...
and stop to be a geek, sit in front of facebook for hours =.=''
stop contact with my parents, and went to KL as tourist...
I tried to treasure back, who am I actually, how was I when first time arrived here,
and why I changed?
I such got a personality crisis...hahahaha XD
Now I'm in progress to change all my bad
My bad attitudes
My negative thinking
Non self confidence
Weak, and easily to cry
I even change the way I pray...!!
Last time, I prayed to my own luck...
Now, I realized it's super selfish kind of pray...
I apologize to all my friends that might be hurt by me or I had wrong...
Much sorry....
By the way, I also decor my room, and changed it a bit
I put simple pink wallpaper on it... ^^
is it quite sweet?? hehehe
I also went to KL as TOURIST to celebrate the anniversary of
me, vv, and gerry for 2 years we have been here ! hehehehe
It such a long journey guys... >,<''
I found new place!
I wanna go to F1 simulator when it opens...
F1 simulator >< |
Night Safari? =.='' |
KL tower from near |
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long time no see him, Niko!!hahaha |
Night Starbucks-ing |
I love Bukit Bintang's mee ><'' |
Super alay, Bryan |
crazy guys ^^ |
4 of us ^^d |
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I colored my hair ^^ |
Bintang Walk |
Princess Vivi |
Ferrari ><'' |
happy 2 years guys ^^ |
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Me and Niko |
Si alay II, Gerry |
The last, I'll show you my new look ><''
how was it? ^^d |
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