
風急天高猿嘯哀, 渚清沙白鳥飛迴。 

無邊落木蕭蕭下, 不盡長江滾滾來。 

萬里悲秋常作客, 百年多病獨登臺。 

艱難苦恨繁霜鬢, 潦倒新停濁酒杯。


means :

In a sharp gale from the wide sky apes are whimpering,
Birds are flying homeward over the clear lake and white sand, 
Leaves are dropping down like the spray of a waterfall,
While I watch the long river always rolling on.
I have come three thousand miles away. Sad now with autumn
And with my hundred years of woe, I climb this height alone.
Ill fortune has laid a bitter frost on my temples,
Heart-ache and weariness are a thick dust in my wine.

Friday, 15 July 2011


風急天高猿嘯哀, 渚清沙白鳥飛迴。 

無邊落木蕭蕭下, 不盡長江滾滾來。 

萬里悲秋常作客, 百年多病獨登臺。 

艱難苦恨繁霜鬢, 潦倒新停濁酒杯。


means :

In a sharp gale from the wide sky apes are whimpering,
Birds are flying homeward over the clear lake and white sand, 
Leaves are dropping down like the spray of a waterfall,
While I watch the long river always rolling on.
I have come three thousand miles away. Sad now with autumn
And with my hundred years of woe, I climb this height alone.
Ill fortune has laid a bitter frost on my temples,
Heart-ache and weariness are a thick dust in my wine.